What is a Trademark? Benefits And Registration Process – DAR & CO LLP

What is a Trademark? Benefits And Registration Process

What is a trademark? Benefits And Registration Process

What is a trademark? Benefits And Registration Process

Trademark registration is a legal procedure to register a mark or sign to determine a business’s uniqueness. Trademarks help in indicating a product or a service and support create a unique brand identity. It could be a text, design, color, symbol, logo, or combination of words and digits.

Therefore, Trademark Registration is an important part of a business that creates a specified identity among its customers. A registered Trademark offers many solitary rights to enhance the brand’s reputation in the market.

Trademark Registration is a way to save your brand’s names, logos, and product labels. 

“A trademark is much more than only a name or sign of uniqueness that a trader adopts about his goods and services, it is the hold of his business’ hard-earned goodwill and standing in the market.”

Businesses have been investing a very big amount in advertising and marketing for their trademarks as identified to have a myriad of roles from making and improving brand recognition to determining market trends, from supporting entrepreneurial plans to uniting social causalities, and much more. 

 Let’s delve a little more in-depth into what is a trademark and the benefits and Registration Process in this article.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a unique sign or symbol that is used business to define its products or benefits from those of others. It works as a badge of origin and grade, usually becoming synonymous with the brand. Trademarks can have a combination of forms, such as texts, logos, slogans, sounds, and even color mixtures.

Types of Trademarks

In India, Trademarks are not determined to be only brand names or logos. They have a wide range of identifiers with unique features and values:

  1. Word Marks: These are standard text trademarks without any design like brand names registered in a specific font.

  2. Device Marks: It is usually referred to as logos and have graphical details or stylized texts.

  3. Shape Marks: Unique shapes of products or packaging can also be trademarked.

  4. Sound Marks: Sounds that are specific to a brand can be registered as trademarks.

  5. Color Marks: Specific color combinations related to a brand can be trademarked.

  6. Pattern Marks: Special patterns utilized in branding can be saved.

  7. Service Marks: Similar to trademarks, these specifically identify services rather than outcomes.

In India, the use of the trademark symbol (™) represents that a mark is being declared as a trademark, which is an essential part of trademark protection in India.

Why is Trademark Registration Important?

The Trade Marks Act, of 1999 regulates trademark registration in India. In India, registration of a trademark is not needed. By the Act, it is optional. On the other hand, establishing a trademark in India has many benefits. For a business that needs to distinguish its products or services from competitors, trademark registration is essential. A company’s brand and customer confidence depend on its trademarks, which also help it boost its goodwill.

The benefits of trademark protection are provided and the trademark is protected by trademark registration. Customers believe assured that the company’s products or services are unique in the market. It protects products or services that utilize a similar brand and leads customers astray. Any unauthorized utilization of a registered trademark for the same thing is considered infringement.

Trademark Registration Benefits in India

Trademark registration plays an important role in protecting the identity and reputation of any business. Trademark registration provides a plethora of additional advantages beyond protecting trademark owners’ intellectual property rights, all of which may be helpful to the growth and success of businesses. We will look more into each of these benefits separately so that you will understand how essential it is to register a trademark for the business you run.

Earn Intellectual Property Rights

By registering a trademark, individuals and businesses can prove they are the owners of a unique and unique mark they would like to use on their products or services. They may obtain essential intellectual

Maintain Full Authority over the Use of Your Trademarks

property rights, exclusive utilization rights, and legal protection by correctly registering their brand. Section 18 of the Trademarks Act regulates these rights, which allow the owner of a trademark to protect their brand identity regarding potential infringement and illegal use by third parties.

According to Section 28 of the Act, the legal owner of a trademark registration has the exclusive right to use the trademark registered when used with the specific goods or services specified by the registration. Because of this exclusiveness, no other business has the right to use the same mark, or one that is highly similar, for similar products or services on the market. By allowing them to take legal action regarding any illegal use, it safeguards the owner of the trademark’s market position and reputation.

Get Legal Defense Against Infringement

According to Section 29 of the Act, trademark registration offers robust legal protection against infringement. Whenever a mark is registered, the owner has a distinct advantage when it comes to protecting their rights against any illegal use or efforts to pass off a mark as its own. This legal provision allows the owner of a trademark to bring a lawsuit and demand suitable redress against infringing parties, include damages and injunctions, preserving the mark’s uniqueness and integrity.

Get Legal Defense Against Unacceptable Use

Section 29 of the Trademarks Act provides more comprehensive protection than common law protection, which is mainly focused on reducing consumer confusion. The owner of a trademark that is registered has an advantage over those of unregistered mark owners, as it keeps it from being used in an unpleasant manner. This means that the mark’s legal protection continues to endure providing a more complete barrier against illegal use, even in situations in which that its uniqueness has been reduced as a result of extensive use.

Get Legal Authorization for the Trademark

A legal record of ownership is established by trademark registration, and this record has great legal weight. As to Section 31 of the Act, the registration of a mark by an individual acts as initial proof of the mark’s registration in any legal issue about the mark. Due to the reduced burden of evidence caused by this recognition, it has become simpler to protect trademark rights and enhances the owner’s ability to protect their trademark against infringement or counterfeiting.


No Effect on IPR Rights Because of the Popularity of the Trademark

The Act’s Section 36 guards prevent the registered trademark being made illegal just because it is a common name or is commonly used. The registered protections stay in place, providing continuing legal protection against illegal use by third parties, even if widespread advertising or usage allows the mark to grow popular and associated with the product.

Register Different Kinds of Trademarks

The Trademarks Act accommodates various types of marks, such as “Collective Marks” (Sections 61 to 68) and “Certification Trade Marks” (Sections 69 to 78). This allows individuals or organizations to register not only standard trademarks but also collective marks representing associations of traders, and certification marks indicating specific qualities or standards of goods or services.

Own Your Trademaek as a Valuable Asset

The person who is the owner of a trademark gets exclusive ownership rights after registration. The mark’s transformation into a valuable intangible asset increases the brand’s total worth and marketability. utilizing their registered trademark for licensing, franchising, which or other types of business, the owner may boost income sources and confirm their brand’s status in the market.

Identify the Real Origin of Your Products

The owner of a trademark establishes a strong relationship between the mark and the products or services it stands for by registering it and using it as a symbol of product origin. Customers will no longer have any reason to question the items’ origins, which will boost brand recognition, customer loyalty, and trust.

Trademarks are promoted to discourage possible infringements

The Act’s Sections 6, 11, and 12 mandate the maintenance of a public registry that is available to the public and includes the specifics of all registered trademarks. updating the public about already-registered trademarks and discouraging others from registering marks that are the same to them are two important goals that can be achieved by this trademark advertising. Because potential infringers may readily obtain information about registered marks and avoid from unauthorized usage to avoid legal penalties, it acts as a deterrent against them.

Retain Your Trademark Rights While Your Business Expands

Businesses aiming to expand or access new markets in India can start with a strong basis due to trademark registration. Businesses can make investments in their brand and marketing campaigns with confidence understanding that they are not infringing on other people’s trademarks due to the protection that comes with registration. Additionally, it creates a clear path for potential future growth, franchising, and licensing prospects as prospective partners or investors acknowledge the registered mark’s legal authority and importance.

Registration Process of Trademark


If you want to register your trademark in India, given below is the trademark registration process that help you to get your trademark registered –

Step 1: Choose Trademark Eligibility

Before registering your trademark, make sure it follows the rules of the Trademarks Act 1999. Your trademark should stand out, not be too common, and not resemble existing ones. It needs to clearly distinguish your goods or services. To check if it’s eligible, consider its uniqueness and whether it might be confused with other trademarks. Use the Government of India’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) to search for existing trademarks and avoid conflicts later.

Step 2: Once you’ve checked if your trademark follows the Trademarks 

Act 1999 and is unique, the next step is to do a trademark search. This helps you see if your trademark is already taken or similar to others. Use the Intellectual Property India website to do the search. This step is important to avoid conflicts and rejection of your application. You need to make sure your trademark doesn’t infringe on existing ones. You can do the search on the official Trademarks Registry website or ask a CA for help. Make sure to search the Indian Trademarks Registry and other legal sources.

Step 3: Filing the Trademark Application

Once you’ve found a unique trademark, you can file the application online through the Controller General of Patents, Design, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) portal, known as the e-filing system. Here’s what you need:

  1. Applicant Details: Your personal info or your company’s details, including name, address, and nationality. For a company, provide its name, registered address, location, and incorporation details.
  2. Trademark Details: Describe your brand name, logo, or phrase, along with the goods or services it represents.
  3. Priority Claim: If you’ve applied for the trademark in another country, you can claim priority. Include the application number, country, and filing date.

Fill in these details accurately to complete the trademark application process.

Step 4: Examination of Trademark Application

After you file your trademark application, it gets examined by the Trademark Registrar. They’ll either accept it or raise objections.

During examination, they check for compliance with laws and existing trademarks. If there are issues, they’ll send an examination report with objections like being descriptive or similar to other trademarks.

You need to respond to objections within the given time. This might involve submitting evidence or changing your application. You can also get help from an eCA.

If your application is accepted, the registrar advertises it in the trademarks journal.

Step 5: Publication of Trademark in the Trademark Journal

Once your trademark application is accepted, it gets published in the Trademark Journal, which anyone can see. This lets the public raise objections if they think your trademark is too similar to an existing one.

Step 6. Responding to Opposition

If someone opposes your trademark application, you have 2 months to respond. You need to explain why their opposition isn’t valid and why your trademark isn’t infringing on others. The registrar re-examines the application and decides whether to accept or reject it.

Step 7. Paying Fees

When you submit your trademark application, you need to pay fees based on factors like who’s applying and how many goods/services are covered. You can pay online using net banking, credit/debit cards, or with a demand draft.

Step 8. Registration and Certificate

If there’s no opposition or it’s successfully dealt with, the online trademark registration process moves forward, and your trademark gets registered. You’ll receive a registration certificate, giving legal protection. Usually, the whole process takes 1-2 years, depending on complexity. With government services going digital, trademark registration is easier now. Follow the steps mentioned to register your trademark. If you need help, you can hire an eCA from tax2win for assistance.


Valuable intellectual property rights, complete authority over brand use, and legal defense against infringement are all provided by trademark registration. There are factors to take in to consideration, such as limited protection within registered classes and renewing requirements, even though it gives businesses a chance to make unique brand identities and get noticed in the marketplace.

Businesses can make use of trademark registration’s advantages to strengthen their brand presence and encourage long-term success in a competitive sector by proactively managing these factors.

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